
VMware’s Gelsinger Talks Virtustream, Dell And…

.@VMware’s Gelsinger Talks Virtustream, Dell And What It Takes To Grow Into The Cloud VMware’s Gelsinger Talks Virtustream, Dell And… The VMware CEO’s keynote at the NexGen Cloud Conference focused on how to keep up with changes in the digital world, but the subsequent Q&A shifted to how VMware works with Virtustream and what will […]

Mostafa Khalil 

VMware’s Gelsinger Talks Virtustream, Dell And…

.@VMware’s Gelsinger Talks Virtustream, Dell And What It Takes To Grow Into The Cloud VMware’s Gelsinger Talks Virtustream, Dell And… The VMware CEO’s keynote at the NexGen Cloud Conference focused on how to keep up with changes in the digital world, but the subsequent Q&A shifted to how VMware works with Virtustream and what will […]

Mostafa Khalil 
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