
Meet Meat – The free Git collaboration tool

Meet Meat – The free Git collaboration tool Meet Meat – The free Git collaboration tool Jonathan Frappier Virtxpert Man, I thought I came up with that headline before anyone else; turns out Meat is already using it. What is Meat you ask? From their mouths; “Git is a free collaboration platform with built-in deployments” […]

Mostafa Khalil 

VMware VSAN reusing SSD disks

#VMware VSAN reusing SSD disks VMware VSAN reusing SSD disks Ealier this week I’ve been configuring a new VSAN cluster. The old configuration was using hardware that wasn’t complying with the VMware vSAN HCL. We ordered new raid controllers and HDD’s and reused the SSD disks, as those where compliant with the HCL. Adding and […]

Mostafa Khalil 

SRM with VMAX 20K Part VII: Installation of…

SRM with VMAX 20K Part VII: Installation of Storage Replication Adapters SRM with VMAX 20K Part VII: Installation of… In this post, I’m going to cover the installation of the Storage Replication Adapter (SRA) for Site Recovery Manager. When using array-based replication, this is an absolute must piece of software that the vendor providers as […]

Mostafa Khalil 
3d book display image of Storage Design and Implementation in vSphere 6

Looking for a Great Book on vSphere Storage Virtualization? Look No Further!

A one stop resource on all storage types used with VMware vSphere 6.x. Includes vSAN up to v6.6, VVols, NFS 3.0 and 4.1 and more

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