
Virtualized Production SAP HANA® with VMware on…

Virtualized Production SAP HANA® with VMware on Hitachi Unified Compute Platform Virtualized Production SAP HANA® with VMware on… The SAP, VMware and Hitachi partnership is oriented around helping our customers save money, accelerate their time to market and enable them to innovate more quickly. Our ability collectively to address what customers want is there today […]

Mostafa Khalil 

Network with industry experts and make…

Network with industry experts..check, make connections..check. #VMworld2015 Network with industry experts and make… Learn strategies for achieving our top IT priorities and be able to compare notes with other IT professionals. You can leverage these contacts for advice and best practices for months to come. Register today for VMworld 2015 if you’re ready for any! […]

Mostafa Khalil 
3d book display image of Storage Design and Implementation in vSphere 6

Looking for a Great Book on vSphere Storage Virtualization? Look No Further!

A one stop resource on all storage types used with VMware vSphere 6.x. Includes vSAN up to v6.6, VVols, NFS 3.0 and 4.1 and more

Get Your Copy Today>>