Category: Uncategorized


Slick top 5 VM performance improvements

Slick top 5 VM performance improvements Slick top 5 VM performance improvements Slick top 5 VM performance improvementsAfter looking through our Storage vMotion statistics last time we thought about continuing with more interesting statistics. This time we checked for the TOP 5 VMware Virtual Machine related issues that have a high impact on the VM […]

Mostafa Khalil 

RHEL 7, open-vm-tools, and guest customization

RHEL 7, open-vm-tools, and guest customization RHEL 7, open-vm-tools, and guest customization I spent some time this weekend working with vCloud Director 5.5.4 build 2831206 (on vSphere 6) and Red Hat Enterprise Linux vApp/guest customization. I’m not a *nix guru but I’m comfortable enough with legacy versions of RHEL 5 and 6 as I’ve worked […]

Mostafa Khalil 
3d book display image of Storage Design and Implementation in vSphere 6

Looking for a Great Book on vSphere Storage Virtualization? Look No Further!

A one stop resource on all storage types used with VMware vSphere 6.x. Includes vSAN up to v6.6, VVols, NFS 3.0 and 4.1 and more

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