Category: Uncategorized


Quickly try out new apps without any…

Quickly try out new apps without any… Quickly try out new apps without any… Quickly try out new apps without any constraints on you […]]> Quickly try out new apps without any constraints on your existing infrastructure! This is the power of #vCloudAir: Quickly try out new apps without any… Quickly try out new […]

Mostafa Khalil 

Quantify System Downtime and Prove the Value of…

Quantify System Downtime and Prove the Value of a Good Business Continuity Plan Quantify System Downtime and Prove the Value of… ROI for an IT purchase is typically a function of the increase in revenue that the purchase generates. Data protection ROI is a different story all together. Backup and restore systems don’t generate revenue. […]

Mostafa Khalil 

VSAN and The Joys Of Head-to-Head Performance…

#VSAN and The Joys Of Head-to-Head Performance Testing VSAN and The Joys Of Head-to-Head Performance… Everyone who works with storage technology eventually gets around to wishing for the same thing: wouldn’t it be GREAT if we could round up ALL the similar products, and put them through their paces? Reality intrudes, however. Getting a bunch […]

Mostafa Khalil 

AirWatch Enterprise Mobility Management Overview

AirWatch Enterprise Mobility Management Overview AirWatch Enterprise Mobility Management Overview AirWatch by VMware is the leader in enterprise mobility management (EMM). With industry-leading identity, productivity and collaboration solutions, we enable end users with a seamless digital workspace. We empower IT with a future-proof mobility platform that provides flexibility to manage multiple use cases, unified management […]

Mostafa Khalil 
3d book display image of Storage Design and Implementation in vSphere 6

Looking for a Great Book on vSphere Storage Virtualization? Look No Further!

A one stop resource on all storage types used with VMware vSphere 6.x. Includes vSAN up to v6.6, VVols, NFS 3.0 and 4.1 and more

Get Your Copy Today>>