Category: Uncategorized


Accelerate your VMware vSphere with Operations…

Accelerate your #VMware #vSphere with Operations Mangement Business Accelerate your VMware vSphere with Operations… VOA Partner Training- Partner Demand Center – vSphere with Operations Management mToolbook – Promotions – Cheatsheet – VMware Advocacy

Mostafa Khalil 

What surprises await at VMworld 2015? Only one…

Don’t miss the concert at #VMworld 2015.. Register today! What surprises await at VMworld 2015? Only one… VMworld 2015 US brings together thought leaders, subject matter experts, and IT professionals to immerse themselves in the latest in virtualization and cloud technology. Realize value in our leading products, interactive sessions and networking opportunities with our partner […]

Mostafa Khalil 

VMware Teams With BTE Leading Lights Award…

#VMware Teams With BTE Leading Lights Award Winners for NFV VMware Teams With BTE Leading Lights Award… Posted on June 25, 2015 by David Wright Summary – Recently, Light Reading announced the BTE Leading Lights Award Winners. Leading Lights is the preeminent award program for the communication service provider market. This year, two award-winning solutions […]

Mostafa Khalil 

Driving retail growth with mobility best…

Driving retail growth with mobility best practices from AirWatch – Webinar Driving retail growth with mobility best… Mobile devices extend the point of sale — that all-important moment for retailers when money changes hands — to locations store owners never would’ve dreamt just a few years ago. Retailers who have embraced enterprise mobility innovations are […]

Mostafa Khalil 
3d book display image of Storage Design and Implementation in vSphere 6

Looking for a Great Book on vSphere Storage Virtualization? Look No Further!

A one stop resource on all storage types used with VMware vSphere 6.x. Includes vSAN up to v6.6, VVols, NFS 3.0 and 4.1 and more

Get Your Copy Today>>